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Navigator OT

Rule Raising Salary Threshold for White Collar Overtime Exemptions Overturned

On November 15, 2024, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas overturned the DOL’s rule that raised the salary threshold for the “white collar” overtime exemption under the FLSA. As a result, the salary increase that occurred on July 1, 2024, for the FLSA’s executive, administrative, and professional exemptions is no longer in place. This also means that the increase planned on January 1, 2025, will no longer take effect. To learn more, check out Littler’s ASAP “Federal Court Strikes Down Rule Raising Salary Threshold for White Collar Overtime Exemptions.”

Navigator OT has been updated with the resulting federal salary rate, which is $684 per week, or $35,558 per year. Evaluations completed between 9:00 pm EST on June 17, 2024, and 6:30 pm EST November 18, 2024, had the July 1st salary threshold applied. If you previously completed an evaluation and would like to rerun the evaluation, you can do that by following these steps.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at  

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Overtime - What Employers Need to Know Today

Update: This webinar is available here.

It’s easy to think that overtime is simple: If an employee is salaried you don’t need to worry about overtime, right? Wrong! Overtime classification is more complex than that. If you have questions about overtime classification and if it’s better to classify positions as exempt or nonexempt, we invite you to attend the webinar “Overtime - What Employers Need to Know Today.”

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Return-to-Office Policy Considerations

Many employers have already implemented and others are considering implementing return-to-office policies after transitioning to a fully remote workforce during the pandemic. There are many things to consider before implementing a return-to-office policy. Littler’s recent article, “Dear Littler: What are some considerations before implementing our return-to-office policy?” provides an overview of important details to keep in mind.

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State Laws Complicate Salary Requirements for Exempt Employees

As discussed in Littler’s ASAP “State Laws Complicate Salary Requirements for Exempt Employees,” many employers are reviewing the classification of their employees following the DOL's updates to the salary level needed for the white-collar exemption under the FLSA earlier this year. But don’t worry! We have solutions to help make it easier for you.

Navigator OT is designed to help you determine the risk of classifying a position as exempt and provides you with a report with information on understanding and lowering the risk of the position’s classification. If you have multiple positions to evaluate, Navigator OT has functionality which allows you to initiate multiple questionnaires at once. There is also a feature which allows you to re-assign a questionnaire, if multiple people need to assist in completing it, and the option of copying and re-running previously submitted questionnaires.

The Reference Center has reports on different areas of employment law, including minimum wage and tip credits, rate changes, and pay frequency, broken down by jurisdiction. You can compare this information across different jurisdictions and share information with your colleagues who have access to the solution.

If you have any questions about these solutions, please contact us at  

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Navigator OT Update Timeline

On July 1, 2024, the final overtime rule goes into effect, and the salary level needed to qualify for the FLSA’s executive, administrative, and professional exemption will increase to $844 per week ($43,888 annualized). To make sure you have some time to prepare, we have decided to update the salary rate in Navigator OT on June 17, 2024. Evaluations submitted after 9 pm EST that day will use the new salary level.

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