ComplianceHR Updates

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Keep up to Date with Recent Employment Law Changes

It has been a flurry of a week with many new executive orders. If you are worried about keeping up to date with changes in employment law, we can help! 

PolicySmartTM News keeps you up to date with recent changes that could affect your handbook policies. When applicable, the news entries include redlined changes to policies so you can quickly see what you should consider changing. Don’t forget to keep an eye out for the PolicySmart Newsletter email as well!

To keep up to date on other employment law changes, check out Littler News & Analysis. This page lets you filter by keyword, jurisdiction, topic, and other categories. You can also sign up to receive customized email updates.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at

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Return to Office Policies: Key Employer Considerations

UPDATE: This webinar can be viewed here.

If you have a remote or hybrid workforce, you may be weighing the pros and cons of implementing a return to office policy, and you more than likely have concerns about potential employee pushback. If you have questions about return to office policies and the next steps you should take, we invite you to attend the webinar “Return-to-Office Policies: Key Employer Considerations.”

During this webinar, Littler will help guide you through the following questions:
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Politics in the Office: Infinitely Spookier than Halloween

UPDATE: This webinar can be viewed here.

Haunted houses and Halloween aren’t the only spooky things right around the corner - the 2024 election is following close behind. As this year’s election season quickly draws to a close, you are more than likely facing politics in the office and questions about employees’ social media. If you are concerned about politics in the workplace and social media, we invite you to join us on October 31 for the webinar “Politics in the Office: Infinitely Spookier than Halloween.

During this webinar, Littler will discuss the risks of politics and social media in the workplace and what steps employers can take to mitigate social media-related issues before or shortly after they arise. We will also walk through PolicySmartTM and the Reference Center. These HR compliance solutions provide federal and state-specific employee handbook templates, comprehensive employment law content, and side-by-side policy comparison reports to help simplify the complexity of employment law.

Register for the webinar today. Feel free to reach out to us at with any questions you have.

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Littler’s Second Annual AI C-Suite Survey Report Is Now Available

AI is a topic we hear about so frequently now. It’s also not surprising that it is top of mind for many employers. If you’d like to know what other employers are thinking about in regards to AI, check out Littler’s “2024 AI C-Suite Survey Report.” This report was created from more than 330 responses from executives throughout the United States, including Chief Executive Officers, Chief Legal Officers, General Counsel, Chief Human Resources Officers, Chief Operating Officers, and Chief Technology Officers.

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Return-to-Office Policy Considerations

Many employers have already implemented and others are considering implementing return-to-office policies after transitioning to a fully remote workforce during the pandemic. There are many things to consider before implementing a return-to-office policy. Littler’s recent article, “Dear Littler: What are some considerations before implementing our return-to-office policy?” provides an overview of important details to keep in mind.

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